03. May 2024

INA Lunchbreak on supply chain due diligence act part 28

In this lunchbreak, Rémi d'Annunzio, Forest Officer, Forest Data Partnership Science and Data Lead at FAO, will present the innovative open-source solution Whisp and illustrate how it contributes to compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). During the lunchbreak, participants will have the chance to try out Whisp themselves.

Whisp stands for "WHat IS in that Plot?". The tool can be used to analyse geodata to obtain relevant information about land use within a specific plot. In this way, Whisp supports the due diligence process for EUDR requirements. By combining and analysing data from different sources, Whisp provides a detailed understanding of land use.

The one-hour online meeting takes place on the first Friday of the month.

The date is Friday, 03.05.2024­­­­ from 12.00–1.00pm CET.

The event will be held in English.   


12.00 pm       Opening and Updates  

                        Dr. Yvonne Franke, Division 122 / BMZ  

12.05 pm       WHISP ("WHat IS in that Plot"): a digital public infrastructure for

                        compliance with the EUDR

                        Rémi d'Annunzio, Forest Officer, Forest Data Partnership Science and

                        Data Lead, FAO 


12.20 pm       First round of Q&A  

12.25 pm       What is in your plot? Time to discover WHISP yourself.

12.30 pm       Feedback: What else is needed?

12.35 pm       Q&A and Discussion with Rémi d'Annunzio 

12.55 pm       Summary and Outlook  

                        Daniel May, INA Program Management

Host: Annette Cerulli-Harms, ConPolicy   

The event is aimed at interested parties from the private sector, civil society and politics.