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  • Living income & Living wage

Living income & Living wage

Over 9% of the world’s population – more than 700 million people in total – live in extreme poverty, surviving on less than 2.15 US dollars per day. This extreme poverty is especially prevalent among agricultural workers in rural areas of Africa, Asia and Latin America and disproportionately affects women, who are paid on average only 82% of what men earn although they make up the main workforce in the agricultural sector (as of 2023). 

Incomes and wages in farming are often so low that despite the hard work they do in the fields, many smallholder families and agricultural workers cannot afford to invest in their businesses, in education or in healthy food. For example, as of 2023, the International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that 664 million women and men globally are working poor.  

A key mechanism to effectively combat extreme poverty ris to promote the payment of living wages and living incomes. Higher wages and incomes also make the agricultural sector more attractive to the younger generation, securing the world’s raw material supplies for the future. Approaches that support gender empowerment can moreover strengthen the position of women in agricultural businesses and help close the gap to living incomes and wages over time. 

Here you can find out which activities SASI implements in the area of living incomes and wages.  

If you are interested in the concepts of living incomes and living wages, you are welcome to contact nina.kuppetz@giz.de.