25. July 2024

Highlights Living Wage and Living Income Summit 2024

Over 400 guests from more than 250 organizations from the private and public sector and civil society came together to share progress, challenges and experiences.

Special highlights in the morning were the opening by the Dutch Deputy Director General for International Cooperation Steven Collet, who emphasized the support of the Dutch government in fulfilling its responsibility for living wages. In addition, the contribution of Mauela Tomei (ILO) highlighted the results of the recent living wage agreement and emphasized that international approaches to living wages in the supply chain must be linked to local collective bargaining and social dialogue processes. 

In addition, the Living Income Community of Practice (LICOP) together with GIZ and IDH shared the 5 Principles of inclusion in advancing living income:

1. Champion Essential Role of Farmers in Global Sustainability & Resilience

2. invest together in farmers' livelihoods

3 Leverage Legislation to Benefit Smallholder Farmers

4. commit to Long-term Relationships and Due Diligence Practices

5. manage and measure Living Income Commitments with Inclusivity

In the afternoon, all guests and keynote speakers put their heads together in 12 breakout sessions and discussed possible solutions together - with the following important findings:

You can find further highlights of the Summit here: 

Summit highlights - IDH - the Sustainable Trade Initiative (idhsustainabletrade.com)