13. December 2024

Field Studies on Collaborative Insights to Strengthen Gender Approaches in Developmental Work in India and beyond

The GIZ implemented global programme Sustainability and Value Added in Agricultural Supply ChainsAgrichains has published a booklet entitled "Building Bridges: Collaborative Insights to Strengthen Gender Approaches in Developmental Work" through its project component in India. It describes approaches and experiences to empower women along agricultural supply chains in India and beyond.

The booklet brings together field reports that promote the exchange of knowledge, shed light on the context of gender-specific strategies and encourage their further development. It provides valuable insights for developing inclusive and gender-responsive approaches and serves as a practical resource for integrating gender perspectives into development work. Through its diverse activities aimed at making agricultural value chains more inclusive and, as a result, more sustainable, the programme actively supports the goals of the Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains Initiative (SASI).

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