German Retailers Working Groups
German Retailers Working Groups on Living Income and Living Wages
Producers in global supply chains are to be enabled to earn living wages and incomes. This is the goal set by the German Retailers Working Groups on Living Income and Living Wages.
At the 2020 International Green Week, the German retailers ALDI Nord, ALDI Süd, dm-drogerie markt, Kaufland and REWE Group and Lidl signed a joint voluntary commitment, thereby undertaking to actively work towards developing and implementing responsible business practices in their global supply chains. By pooling their resources and coordinating their activities – both within the working group itself and with other initiatives – everyone works together to exert maximum leverage to ensure living wages and incomes.
So-called living wages and incomes make a significant contribution to combatting poverty, promoting humane working conditions and abolishing child and forced labour. In addition, they increase the appeal of agriculture as an employment sector for generations to come, thereby securing the future supply of raw materials.
Common operational framework for achieving this goal
The working group has defined the following operational framework for its activities, which are initially being implemented in the form of a joint project in the banana sector:
If you have any questions about the German Retail Working Group or the Living Wage Project in the banana sector, please contact: Nina Kuppetz,