PoweRRR Indonesia
Project description:
The Project aims to uplift marginalized groups, particularly women farmers and workers, in the palm oil supply chain through various strategies:
- Enhancing access to quality inputs and resources via income diversification methods.
- Strengthening rights and leadership through leadership development initiatives.
- Facilitating effective representation through community-based groups.
These efforts target three levels of impact:
1. Individual: improved knowledge and skills on agriculture practices as well as health and safety; better decision-making capacity through organization and self-advocacy; and decent working conditions for female worker.
2. Community: greater acceptance and respect of women as farmers and contributors at the household/community level.
3. Institutional: structural government change via policy advocacy to accept female farmers and workers as equal supply chain participants and leaders; more inclusive certification standards by MSIs.
The project employs a transformative approach to empower women by strengthening their ability to make and enact strategic life choices through targeted trainings and capacity-building activities in plantations, mills, and surrounding communities. It also engages men and broader communities to prevent backlash against women's empowerment and promote positive changes in gender norms.
Using participatory approaches, the project demonstrates the tangible benefits of gender-transformative activities, showcasing how they directly improve women's lives and livelihoods in the palm oil supply chain. By providing clear examples of these positive changes, the project inspires and motivates female participants, strengthening their roles within the industry.
- Perempuan Mahardhika
The women organization Perempuan Mahardhika was founded in 2004 and works in the garment supply chain sectors of Jakarta, West Java and Central Java. It uses a feminist and rights-based approach and cooperates with labour unions, organizing women workers who are not yet unionised to be empowered. Perempuan Mahardhika was initiated by Vivi, a labour union supporting women workers in the garment sector. - Yayasan Solidaridad Network Indonesia (YSNI)
Solidaridad Indonesia (YSNI) is the implementing unit of Solidaridad Asia in Indonesia. Solidaridad Indonesia has been working with governments and local communities since 2012, and supporting farmers through field schools and financial literacy programmes. - Solidaridad Network Asia Limited
Solidaridad is an international civil society organization with over 50 years of experience in developing solutions to make communities more resilient. Solidaridad envisions a world in which all that we produce and consume can sustain us, while respecting the planet, each other and the next generations. The organization works throughout the supply chain to make sustainability the norm and to ensure a living income to farmers and workers. - PT. Syngenta Indonesia
Syngenta is an agricultural company that has been in Indonesia since the 1960s. The company strives for carbon-neutral agriculture, both on farms and in its operations, and is committed to enhancing biodiversity and soil health by providing technologies and training to farmers.