INA Lunchbreak on supply chain due diligence act part 30
Our 30th Lunchbreak will focus on the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food's (BLE) preparations to enforce the EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains (EUDR) in Germany. In this Lunchbreak Matthias Rau (BLE) will talk about the BLE's preparations for the enforcement of the EUDR in Germany.
This lunch break will only take place live and will therefore not be recorded.
Under the title "EUDR in Practice - Pathway to the enforcement in Germany", you will receive up-to-date information on the status of preparations and planned measures for the implementation of the EUDR by the BLE. The work of the BLE will be a decisive factor in determining whether the EUDR's main objective of counteracting global deforestation and forest degradation can be achieved. The EUDR will be enforced from 30 December 2024 and for small and micro enterprises from 30 June 2025. The BLE is preparing intensively for the EUDR to come into force and is focusing on automation and digital processes.
And this is what awaits you on Friday, 5 July 2024, from 12:00-13:00:
12.00 pm Opening and Updates
Lisa Kirfel-Rühle, Division 122 / BMZ
12.05 pm EUDR in Practice - Pathway to the enforcement in Germany
Matthias Rau, Devision 413 / BLE
12.25 pm Q&A
12.55 pm Summary and Outlook
Moritz Heldmann, INA Program Management
Moderation: Annette Cerulli-Harms, ConPolicy
The event will be held in English.
In our series of events, we will show you that implementing due diligence is feasible for everyone. With our expertise, we want to actively support you in the implementation. On the one hand, we will present various practice-oriented tools and guidelines with a focus on the agricultural and food sector. On the other hand, we keep an eye on ongoing EU legislative processes and international discussions for you. It is also indispensable to take the perspective of the people and companies in the partner countries. We want to include them through our cooperation on the ground. "From the legal code to the Agricultural Supply Chain" is a regular format offered online as a digital Lunchbreak on the first Friday of every month.
For questions and further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at