Private sector cooperation
We can advise companies directly on a range of cooperation formats or link them with other German development cooperation programmes we work with.
- Integrated development partnerships with the private sector (IDPPs) combine the innovative power of the private sector with the resources, knowledge and experience of development cooperation to promote development in partner countries and sustainably improve the living conditions of local people. Responsibility, costs and risks are shared by the partners in these joint projects. Examples of IDPPs include the "Carbon Offsetting Rice Emissions (CORE)" project in India and the Our Tea, Our Voice project in Rwanda, Kenya and Indonesia.
- Through our funding competitions "Due Diligence Fund (DDF)" and HREDD Support Fund, we support projects on selected topics that are chosen according to specific criteria. A list of the projects selected to date via the Due Diligence Fund can be found here.
- The develoPPP funding programme also offers financial and technical support, also beyond agricultural supply chains.
- We link you with existing multi-stakeholder partnerships such as the Forum for Sustainable Palm Oil and the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa.
- Industry initiatives such as the German Retailers Working Group on living wages and living incomes.
- Through International Services (InS) as a service provider, we offer the entire range of services to all clients via direct commissioning - from the development of customised solutions to efficient implementation.
Have we raised your interest? Please contact us!

With develoPPP, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) promotes private-sector activities where entrepreneurial opportunities and development policy potential meet.

Forum for Sustainable Palm Oil
The Forum for Sustainable Palm Oil is a multi-stakeholder partnership of over fifty companies, associations, non-governmental organizations and the German government.

German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa
The German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa (GISCO) is a joint initiative of the Federal Government, represented by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the German sweets and confectionery industry, the German retail grocery trade, and civil society.

International Services
In order to respond to the particular needs of these clients and guarantee optimum client service, support is provided by the operational department International Services.